Registration to use the Online Mining Cadastre

Complete the following form, and include supporting documentation, to create an account. You will receive an email to verifiy your email address, but your account will be restricted until it has been authorised by a Ministry representative.

Once authorised, you will receive another email indicating that your account has been updated, after which you will be able to sign in to the portal.

Your Details
General Details
Email: *
Surname: *
First Name: *
ID Number:
Date of Birth:
Contact Details
Telephone 1:
Telephone 2:
Mobile: *
Physical Address
Line 1: *
Line 2:
Province: *
Postal Code:
Country: *
Postal Address
Line 1: *
Line 2:
Province: *
Postal Code:
Country: *
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Supporting Documents:
Upload *

Supporting Documents:
Upload *

Supporting Documents:
Upload *
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